Bee Productive. How Teen is Helping To Save the Bees by Boosting Pollination.

Bee Productive. How Teen is Helping To Save the Bees by Boosting Pollination.

August 1, 2023 by The Foundation For A Better Life

17-year-old Gloria Barron Prize winner Anna Devolld is helping small things make a difference: Pollinators. She has created and helped plant more than 2,000 free Pollinator Packs, each containing six different pollinator-friendly seedlings. She also regularly visits area classrooms to teach students about pollinators and to help them plant their own Pollinator Packs. ” Anna tells us. “Butterflies, ladybugs, hummingbirds, even bats. Sadly, every one of these creatures is declining at an alarming rate.”

Anna Devolld likes creepy crawly things in the garden. And buzzing, fluttering little creatures in the air. That’s because Anna is passionate about pollinators.

As a teenager, Anna worried about the little things that keep our world beautiful and our orchards producing food. Her first project was creating activity and coloring books for kids to help them understand how important pollinators are to our planet. Next, she created Pollinator Packs: plants that attract bees and other pollinators to your garden. It wasn’t long before she was part of community councils encouraging the planting of pollinators in communities and roadside corridors. She now serves on her local government’s environmental advisory commission.

Anna has been featured by Earth Force during its Environmental Action Civics Week, on the Disney Channel, in the Garden Club of America Bulletin and in Scholastic Magazine. You might say she’s been busy as a bee.

“One out of every three bites of food we take is dependent on pollinators,” Anna tells us. “Butterflies, ladybugs, hummingbirds, even bats. Sadly, every one of these creatures is declining at an alarming rate.” Anna’s solution is to increase habitats that attract pollinators and to educate the next generation about the importance of creating pollinator-friendly spaces.

So, the next time you take a bite out of a crisp apple or a delicious peach, or even better, enjoy your favorite fruit in a home-baked pie, think about all the little creatures that made it happen. Then think about Anna and how one teenage girl is making sure millions of pollinators are happy and productive.

We all can make a difference. As Anna says: “Find something you are passionate about, no matter how small, and see how you can change the world.”

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