FREE PassItOn® Stories eBook

Get Volume 1 of our new PassItOn Stories eBook. Filled with 25 inspirational and uplifting stories from around the world.

Stories give our lives purpose and create a legacy of who we are and what we’ve done. Each one in this collection is true. They tell of overcoming, meeting unexpected challenges, innovation, the joys of life, lessons learned, and hope restored. As often happens, a story well told reminds us of our own important stories. We trust you will find a part of yourself described among these pages.

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Stories give our lives purpose and create a legacy of who we are and what we’ve done. Each one in this collection is true. They tell of overcoming, meeting unexpected challenges, innovation, the joys of life, lessons learned, and hope restored. As often happens, a story well told reminds us of our own important stories. We trust you will find a part of yourself described among these pages.


  1. Caitlin Clark and the Importance of the Supporting Cast.
  2. The Birth of Superman.
  3. Let the Kids Give it a Try.
  4. Going Deep to Deliver Kindness.
  5. Curing Cancer, One Bar of Soap at a Time.
  6. Getting Outside is the Best Way to Get Rid of the Blues.
  7. Mary Anderson, The Woman who Invented the Windshield Wiper.
  8. The Simplest Word in our Language can be the Most Inclusive.
  9. To Stay or Run?
  10. Everybody Can be a Hero.
  11. How to Land an Airplane Without Landing Gear.
  12. Bringing the Moon to your Living Room.
  13. A Tradition of Kindness on the Appalachian Trail.4
  14. Sometimes the Wrong Direction is the Right Way.
  15. Playtime is for Everybody.
  16. How Far would you Go for a Friend?
  17. Beatrice Shilling.
  18. From Homeless to Johns Hopkins.
  19. It’s Not your Lifespan, it’s your Wingspan.
  20. Billy Mills.
  21. Getting 100 on her Final Exam.
  22. The Little Things that Make the Biggest Difference.
  23. Running to Win isn’t Always Running to Come in First.
  24. Winning at the Game of Life.
  25. Never, Ever Give Up.

We hope you enjoy reading these stories and if you come upon something that lights a spark of inspiration...PassItOn®.

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