Our uniqueness, our individuality, and our life experience molds us into fascinating beings. I pray we may all challenge ourselves to delve into the deepest resources of our hearts to cultivate an atmosphere of understanding, acceptance, tolerance, and compassion. We are all in this life together. —Linda Thompson
“Our uniqueness, our individuality, and our life experience molds us into fascinating beings. I pray we may all challenge ourselves to delve into the deepest resources of our hearts to cultivate an atmosphere of understanding, acceptance, tolerance, and compassion. We are all in this life together.”

Linda Thompson Actress, songwriter

Including Others
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Your Comments
SandySam from Mandeville  SEPTEMBER 1, 2018
These are words of challenge, encoragement. Believing and accepting that every experiences in life is a lesson to mold us and make us stronger..

Maureen from Orchard Park AUGUST 30, 2018
This is so real..I will hope people can take these words SO seriosly..for sake of humanity

Anonymous AUGUST 30, 2018
Yes we are all in this life together. Example a Car Accident look how many People are involved to solve the this problem to make it better and clean up .

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