Sherman P

I would like to nominate my dad as a hero. He lives across the country from me and my husband, but is never more than a phone call or email away. My husband and I live in beautiful Colorado where the mountains have become our backyard and playground. From time to time I find myself faced with having to do something that makes my stomach queasy, my head spin and my knees knock. But I do it, thanks to my father. He managed to instill a sense of adventure and can-do attitude into his kids when we were very young.

One of my favorite memories (there are many!) as a child is of my Dad and his reaction to taking care of me and my twin brothers one afternoon. My Mom was at work and my dad had a few days off and was playing Mr. Mom. It was fun having him home all day and I remember him encouraging me to go out and ride my new bike with my brothers.

I was riding along up and down the street. I still remember smiling to myself at how fast I could actually go without being in a car. I don't know what distracted me, but the next thing I know I'm skidding along underneath my bike. I scraped my knee pretty bad and was crying for all to hear. My Dad gently took me in the house, propped me up in his chair and proceeded to inspect and clean up the scrape. I remember crying and saying it hurts make it stop hurting!

My Dad had not always been left to care for all three of us at the same time without my mom around, so it was starting to make me a little nervous. He said, "I'll be right back, I know how to fix this." I remember feeling like he wasn't going to have the same finesse as my mom and it was just going to hurt even more with whatever he walks in with for my aching knee.

He returned with a big bowl of ice cream! I remember the tears stopping in a split second and I started giggling. I said, "Do you think its ok before dinner?" He replied, "I think its ok this time." I proceeded to dive into one of the biggest bowls of ice cream I had seen and was lost in thought. About half way through the bowl, my Dad returned and said "How's your knee?" I said with a big smile, "Much better!"

I think about this story a lot. I remember my Dad always just trying to make a situation better by thinking outside the box. He still does this to this day. Although I've gotten much better at biking and manage to get out with my mountain bike to some kooky places with my husband, I still take a fall once in a while and I always think back to that day with my Dad.

Submitted by Anonymous

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Your Comments
Obam Austin from Lagos DECEMBER 4, 2013
Ur story was very touch.its gearup my spirit

Khushboo from Chandigarh MARCH 26, 2013
It's a nice encouraging story...I love it!

Joyce C. from North West Vista college OCTOBER 25, 2012
Your story was very Helpful, it really picked my spirit up.

Clara A. from Brazil SEPTEMBER 19, 2009
I love your story, told without resentment or hard feelings. You definitely ARE going places!

Sawyer B. from Houston SEPTEMBER 9, 2009
Thanks for sharing your encouraging story. It warms my heart.

Nicole S. from Wrightwood, California SEPTEMBER 7, 2009
It's funny, this is the first time I've visited this site. The first story I've read. And it amazes me how much it is like my life. I worked at a diner as a buser. I know about the never ending dishes and the other ten things you have to do. It touched me that the elders touched you. I hope you do go far.

Jasmin from Los Angeles JULY 11, 2009
What a beautiful story. So inspirational and really touching.

Bob M. from New York MAY 27, 2009
amazing now I know that I'm Going Places.

Colleen M. from Fairbanks, Alaska FEBRUARY 25, 2009
It's amazing how far a couple words of encouragement can take a person. We should all take time to recognize people for their hard work, no matter what it is that they are doing.

Jenn C. from Colorado FEBRUARY 20, 2009
Good for YOU! Keep you chin up! Best of luck to you!

Erik H. from Troy, MI JANUARY 28, 2009
Very cool story, I am experiencing something similar but also very different in my own life. Encouragement and belief are very powerful, spread it around!

E. H. from Massachusetts, USA JUNE 5, 2008
A little recognition, a little kindness, can renew our spirit!

Norman H. from China MAY 30, 2008
It's an amazing website and this is a great story. I hope everybody find their places, include me and my country.

Barb Haynes from Australia MAY 26, 2008
You reminded me so much of my daughters when they first started work.

Mark M. from Malta (Mediterranean) APRIL 25, 2008
So simple, and yet so wonderful. 'Seeing' people is the secret.

S.H. from USA MARCH 16, 2008
It was so easy for that woman to share just a few words and what a difference one person can make. I am so grateful for the people who have said such things to me. I keep them in mind when life is uncertain and it makes all the difference. I hope soemtime in my life I can pass on a gift like this.

Lauren J. from Spokane ,Washington USA FEBRUARY 8, 2008
I saw how many comments there were on this story and I decided to read it. I am so glad I did because this is like, the most inspirational story. This story makes me want to jump for joy!! Thanks so much for sharing.

Haripriya C. from Ludhiana, Punjab, India NOVEMBER 24, 2007
Very touching and inspirational! Keep up the good work and I know you will succeed!

Priyanka D. from India OCTOBER 18, 2007
Hi! Inspiring story!

Venkata from Hyderabad, India OCTOBER 4, 2007
Dear Writer, I have read your story. It was a heart touching one, I hope youth will find a way from your real life story.

Rukmini K. from Andhra, India SEPTEMBER 19, 2007
A good story for youth who want to build their own futures.

Clarence from Philippines SEPTEMBER 12, 2007
This really touches my heart; your story is quite the same as mine. The only difference is that I am still working on my success, hardwork is what I learned..thank you!!

John from Nairobi, Kenya SEPTEMBER 10, 2007
Good story. I printed it for my 12-year old son. Hope he learns from the gem.

Ena from Sudan SEPTEMBER 10, 2007
Truly inspiring! You are just 17 and have a long way to go so keep going strong! And the women were right, your sincerity and attitude will take you places!

Vickie V. from Colorado, USA SEPTEMBER 9, 2007
Your story has many comments posted here, and this is an amazing commentary on your story, I'll be watching for you! Best of luck.

Maryanne P. from Kuwait SEPTEMBER 8, 2007
It is really a nice story. Thanks!

Joseph I. from Kaduna, Nigeria SEPTEMBER 7, 2007
It's quite interesting when people can know that to get to the top you have to start from the bottom. There is no jumping the the ladder, I guess that the moral of the story, hoping young lads make something out of this inspiring story.

Ashley R. from California, USA SEPTEMBER 3, 2007
This is a good story and goes to show how one person can either make or break your day.

Sandra C. from Belle Chasse, Louisiana, USA AUGUST 31, 2007
I came to this website, because I myself am a waitress and I just started last week. Today is my first day. I really needed to be motivated because I'm scared. Thanks for the inspiration!

Mark C. from Manchester, United Kingdom AUGUST 27, 2007
Four simple words thats all it took. Nice story...well done!

Jacinta W. from Papua New Guinea AUGUST 25, 2007
I'm truly touched. It only takes one word to either break or inspire someones spirit. Our words can either be a blessing or a curse.

Joe S. from India AUGUST 25, 2007
It's really inspiring and awesome. Your experience is a lesson for many of us. Thanks for sharing it!

Nitin from Hyderabad, Pakistan AUGUST 24, 2007

Christina F. from Philippines AUGUST 21, 2007
Very inspiring...I think I've been in that situation before so I know the feelings. Keep inspiring other people! Take care and always be humble!

Nnamdi from Abuja, Nigeria AUGUST 20, 2007
Dear Writer! Your story inspired me a lot. I am still working towards my dream hoping I will get there someday.

Celestina O. from Nigeria AUGUST 17, 2007
I like your courage. You have made me to believe more in myself, I'm impressed.

Celestina O. from Nigeria AUGUST 17, 2007
I like your courage. You have made me to believe more in myself, i'm impressed. Celestina from Nigeria.

Khawer Y. from Pakistan AUGUST 14, 2007
I liked your story. It spreads the message that we don't feel shyness in doing such kind of work, because no work is small.

Noushija M.A. from Kerala, India AUGUST 8, 2007
Success starts from a single steps which increases continously. Great site!

Nontuthuko M. from Empangeni, South Africa AUGUST 5, 2007
I'm so touched by your story and it really uplifts one's ambition.

Trina G. from Philippines AUGUST 3, 2007
You've just motivated me more. Thanks.

Rajan P from Ahmedabad,India JULY 17, 2007
This is great story. I am really impressed!

Joane P M from Philippines JULY 8, 2007
I promise to share this website to everyone online.. this is wonderful..

Samuel from Ghana JULY 5, 2007
Just impressed!! Thanks!

Renu S from Delhi, India JULY 5, 2007
Dear Writer!!! I am very much inspired and boosted up after reading this story, it is very much true "There is will, there is way".

smrc from Korea JULY 2, 2007
Your story is indeed an inspiration for all young students like you. Firm determination and focusing on your goal added with patience and endurance will make you succeed. You are not only going places, with your story, you are giving light to others and pulling them to go with to places.

Shawie from Philippines JUNE 30, 2007
I really enjoyed reading it... you made me inspired again..

Sitienei from Nairobi, Kenya JUNE 27, 2007
It is a wonderfully story. It has given me the reason I should stop complaining.

Jen D from United Kingdom JUNE 27, 2007
I was looking for inspirational and encouraging quotes/word of comfort/poems for a friend who needs much of the above and to know a friend out there cares, when I happened by your site - result of a Google search. Your web details are now in 'My Favorites' as I need a dose of inspiration right about now. Keep up the good work - it's all good.

Agnieszka S from Poland JUNE 25, 2007
I'm impressed!!! Thank you so much, it gave me the will to make other things in my life better...Good Luck! :)

Kunle from Essex UK JUNE 22, 2007
I'm touched and inspired. Thanks so much.

Sancha E from St. Lucia JUNE 21, 2007
Writer, i am honestly touched by this piece. You gave me a reason to press on towards my goal.

Virt from Accra, Ghana JUNE 20, 2007
Hard work yields good results. Your story has been a great advice to everyone who reads it. Thanks, and keep on keeping on. All the best, dear.

Shaazleen from Maldives JUNE 19, 2007
Well, I've inspired it too. Most important thing that we always have to remember is "if there is a WILL, there is a way"

Srikanth B from India JUNE 15, 2007
I am at career crossroads...there are so many things going on in my mind. But after reading this has inspired me to focus on the most important dream. Thanks for sharing!

nabilah.v from south africa JUNE 9, 2007
Ive never had confidence in myself or ever in my dreams until i accidentally stumbled across your story. Being only 17 years old and achieving your dream has really made me rethink my goals and what really matters in life.

Sfiso S from South Africa, UKZN JUNE 2, 2007
Great, it reminds me of my biological brother who was a petrol attendant and now an Investigator at the Special Investigative Unit-South Africa. As a student, it gives me courage to press on.

Arvinder from India MAY 31, 2007
This story shows that there is no substitute for success other hard work. Working on little things precisely and honestly consequently, there is nothing that restrict you to attain your ambition

Vaishali from India MAY 27, 2007
No one can stop you if you have high spirit. No work is small as we think because it carries true essence of life.

Cece L from Rosemead, California MAY 26, 2007
A part of me is still scared of really living my dreams, a part of me which I think will never completely disappear. But I will push on. You prove to me that hard work and will are the most vital ingredients to living your dreams .. even if it is hard. Thank you. I will do it. =]

J. Kandala from Kuwait MAY 26, 2007
Patience and perseverance, those are the traits that make you succeed...keep on going...

Sujatha V from Bangalore, India MAY 24, 2007
Dear Writer, Very interesting, good work. Only hard work will help you reach your goal. I got inspired, thanks for sharing.

Viliame T from Nadera, Fiji Islands MAY 21, 2007
Your story somehow triggered my spirit to continue to fight and push forward..I am kinda feeling down and out after my first step toward a career leap was stopped because of a political crisis in our country.

M.C. from Mumbai, India MAY 19, 2007
I had shelved my dream. Reading your story, I am once again trying my best.

Vicky N from Philippines MAY 19, 2007
See! If anyone will work hard, they will become successful...

Malihe.B. from Iran MAY 14, 2007
Life is hard and sometimes it doesn't comply with you, but there's nothing higher than will.

Carolin H. from Germany MAY 13, 2007
You earn my greatest respect that you took these four words seriously - in this moment and later on. I hope I will remember this story when I reach my boundaries to grow over it...thank you!

Chizoba S. from Abuja, Nigeria MAY 11, 2007
Your story is quite inspirational and encouraging.

Ben M. from New Jersey U.S.A. MAY 8, 2007
I teach a course in Customer Service. Most of my students were high school drop-outs. Your story became very real to them.

Mukesh from New Delhi MAY 8, 2007
My story is somewhat the same, the only difference is that the author of this story has attained his goal and I am moving towards mine. Thank you for your story, it has lifted my spirits up. Soon I will also post my story here.

raja gupta from india,jammu,kotli MAY 5, 2007
Splendid. Dear young man i am very much moved by your story. After reading your story my faith has got re-strengthened that only hard work can bring results.

raja gupta from india,jammu,kotli MAY 5, 2007
Splendid. Dear young man, I am very much moved by your story. After reading your story my faith has got restrengthened that only hard work can bring results.

Justine P from South Afirca MAY 3, 2007
I pasted this story in our College Newsletter. If only all young people could have such a positive attitude to life.

Cassandra E from prince george,B.C MAY 2, 2007
That's an amazing story. Lots of times that's all you need is that inspiration motivation. Right on. That's good to hear coming from someone my age. It's inspiring to me. Best wishes eh.

kranthi.d from india APRIL 27, 2007
it's a great thing is it not? and you encourage the people around you. all the best!!

NABHKUMAR'RAJU' from bombay(india) APRIL 26, 2007
brave writer...this small story gave me a great courage...

Hael V from Philippines APRIL 18, 2007
I don't know why but your story nearly sent me to tears! Thank you for sharing this. I, my self too has a big ambition, actually my ambition is quite bigger than me but upon reading your story, it made me realize that everything is possible. Thank you so much for the inspiration.

kc from philippines APRIL 15, 2007
how really touches me a lot..

Tasia T from florida APRIL 5, 2007
BEAUTIFUL! and to turn around and give that to someone is, even more beautiful!!

nelson benjamin from nigeria APRIL 1, 2007
there is only one thing that can keep one going "hard work. it doesn't kill you have bear it for some time and after then you rule your world... work hard.

PERLE from EGYPT APRIL 1, 2007
I read a quote here saying, "keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great ones make you feel that you too, can become great" by Mark Twain. Keep it on!

jaspar arthur from agra MARCH 23, 2007
Dear Writer! I hope that you are fine. I have just read your beautiful story. Really tears are flowing out of my eyes at present. I can feel the pain through your feelings. But today you have got what you have once desired for. I wish that you get more success. Take care and bye!

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