B. F. Skinner American behaviorist, author, inventor, and social philosopher
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Your Comments
Saun from Palm Harbor FL SEPTEMBER 29, 2013
Reading opens doors that otherwise may have remained closed.
sophie pella from mckiney tx SEPTEMBER 21, 2013
awesome quote.
janepowell from facebook.com SEPTEMBER 21, 2013
If we all taught this way, students would love school.
Norene Kendall from Spokane, Washington SEPTEMBER 2, 2013
My Dad always had a book he was reading, and my sister in-law teaches.
jasmine shaw from brunswick,ga AUGUST 15, 2013
i love this website
Josie Martinez from Dallas Texas JULY 8, 2013
Nice , I really enjoy this quotes, Thanks God for people like you
coni harrison from florida JULY 6, 2013
books keep our brain active and make life more interesting. I never saw my Dad without a magazine or book in his hand.
Imtiaz from Pakistan MAY 28, 2013
Life long goals...
max crisanto from philippines APRIL 10, 2013
Every day theres a lot of new good books and inspiring once that why we should love to read and learn from it.
antwi samuel from konongo APRIL 1, 2013
Very good quotes.
Winny, Mambu from Jakarta, Indonesia JANUARY 23, 2013
Many people have collected thousands of good books but they do not set a time for reading. That's useless.
Bg from Alabama DECEMBER 7, 2012
All the books in the world serve no purpose if they are not coupled with a passion for and understanding of the importance of reading to educate ourselves and keep our minds alert and well trained.
Skip H from NJ AUGUST 9, 2012
Make this the basis of all public schooling.