Deb  W
Deb W

Just a little testimonial about Deb Webber as she is one person that sits very close to my heart and I appreciate more than words can say Deb is an amazing, inspirational, loving person with a heart overflowing with gold. Her soul is so gentle and her hugs warm your heart even on the darkest days. Her energy is just beautiful and the room lights up as soon as she walks in.
Deb has come into my life for a reason and helped and continues to help me through a horrible journey I have been placed on when I least expected it. I HOPE Deb stays in my life forever as she is one friend that you just don’t want to lose. In October 2010 my hubby, soul mate and love of my life for 21 years passed away after a 5 week illness with cancer. This just devastated me and the kids and the rest of the family.
I was at a loss for so long, and after going to counselling still was feeling so lost and felt ME had gone away forever. I knew I needed help so many times I would send a photo of hubby to woman’s day hoping to get some connection. Well that didn’t happen but I got a thousand times better than that… I got the real deal on many occasions, I got DEB And now what is so ironic I am reading back the Woman’s Day readings to the lucky people who get selected for a reading, which is helping me with the healing process. As they say everything happens for a reason.
Each night I would read Debs facebook page and put LOTS of comments, hoping to be heard as I thought I need this inspirational lady in my life. They say people come into your life for a reason and at the right time and all I can say is that I feel so blessed that Deb came into mine. Deb basically saved my life and continues to save me when I hit rock bottom. One night after counseling I came home really upset and logged onto facebook and the first status update was from Deb “I’m coming to Perth”. Even though the tears were rolling down my face I smiled and was straight on the phone.
Deb came to Perth where I did her workshop and had a one on one reading with her, which totally blew me away. The reading was incredible, things came up that no one would have known and messages were passed to me that gave me a lot of comfort. My reading with Deb was beyond my expectations and gave me so much reassurance, love and hope and yes it reassures me that they are still around us once they pass over and that death is not the end. I was even told in the reading that there are some old coins in plastic/glad wrap in his top drawer that hubby wanted to go to the eldest son as he collects coins. Well because I was so emotional and in such a bad state of grieving I couldn’t even bring myself to have a look in there. After talking to Deb the other day (over 12 months after his passing) I decided that this amazing angel is helping me in so many ways that I need to do something to help myself. I decided to make a start on the clothes, starting with his drawers and in the top draw was a set of old coins/pennies in plastic. I think my heart skipped a few beats and of course the tears streamed down my face. Another of the many signs from this incredible man that was passed onto me through our angel Deb. Hubby knows I needed a hero, angel in my life so he gave me Deb and for that I am forever grateful.
I remember Deb saying to me she isn’t gifted; it’s our gift she gives to us.... Well in my experience it is an amazing gift Deb gave me, but it takes someone gifted like Deb to give me such a heart-warming, reassuring gift
The workshop was amazing, I learnt so much about so many things and myself. During the workshop Deb took me on a journey to help rid my guilt and all I can say is WOW. What Deb did for me at her workshop in Perth no one was able to do not even months and months of counseling. Guilt is a horrible thing but once gone it felt like a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders and out of my heart I was lucky to see Deb everyday she was here and so much reassurance and warm hugs. Deb, Heather and their girls also stayed at our house, so my kids got to have the gorgeous Deb as well. While sitting at the table having dinner Deb said “What is something hubby made with matchsticks with your daughter” I took Deb to the last uni assignment they did together and it was a bus shelter and yes had matchsticks and corrugated paper. Next Deb said to the eldest son I am being told to check out your legs, you have bites on them. Yes he was covered in bites. One of the boys were even told they had a mole on their butt, so needless to say it had them checking out their butts :-) Deb did ask me about red roses and the only ones I could think of were the ones in our front garden, which I was sad to say I killed them. Deb said no you are going to get a red rose from hubby. Not sure what to think I went along with it, who am I to argue with such an incredible psychic :-) On the Friday night Deb, Heather and I went to a healing session and at the end all three of us were given a red rose. Of course I cried but it warmed my heart as well and just another sign that spirit does live on and looks over us Also on what would have been our 22nd wedding anniversary I went out the front and one red rose had bloomed and one week later on the anniversary of his passing another bright red rose appeared.
Deb you have not only been a saviour to me but to my three gorgeous children. Hubbys spirit being what bought you to Perth will always sit close within all our hearts as well My heart is broken and I’m not sure if I agree that time heals it but I am trying to learn how to live with it and I guess that’s all I can do at the moment. This I couldn’t have done or continue to do without all the love, support and advice Deb has given and continues to give me. So thank you from the bottom of my heart
In September Deb returned to Perth and stayed with us again, where she could do readings and help others that needed the love and reassurance I also had hit rock bottom and loved the light Deb bought into our house. I also got to go on an adventure with Deb, not everyone can say they played sensing murder with the amazing Deb Webber
The night before the one year anniversary of hubby’s passing Deb put a message on my facebook, which she has never done. It was a lovely message and I know hubby knew I needed to hear from her. The next morning Deb phoned me and we spent two hours on the phone. Although I cried before the call and during Deb helped me face the day in a better way. Yes it was hard but I took with me all that we had talked about to the cemetery and the rest of the day. It was hard but all the love and advice sure did make it easier for me and the kids. On this day I said I just want to come and visit and Deb said you say that but never come. Well I knew Perth was having a long weekend the following weekend and Deb was going to be in Sydney. Deb said come over and we can just change the accommodation, so off I went. I also got to meet the amazing team at World Conscious Living, amazing lot of people Thank you for allowing me to stalk you in Sydney Deb, or should I say keep you company :-) I did tell you there was no way you were getting rid of me, you are stuck with me now but I know you love it :-) Yes call me a Deb hog; I’m proud of it :-) I went to Debs live show and workshop and got so much out of it. I was also Debs photographer for the night, and the amount of orbs I got I think I could be that special photographer forever :-) I was due to fly out Sunday lunchtime and Deb was flying out that night but I prayed to god and hubby that my flight would be delayed.. WELL not only was it delayed but all Qantas flights were grounded, oopps! Deb had said to me you don’t want to leave do you? I said no I love being with you. I then went into shock mode as I couldn’t even get a flight out of Sydney at all! Deb was flying back to Brisbane and that so happen to be the only state I could get a flight back to Perth from but not until Wednesday night. SO….. Deb being the special, caring person she is forfeited her flight and we hired a car and drove to Brisbane, well Deb drove nearly all the way as she doesn’t like being a passenger. Deb did let me drive a small part of the way, so I do feel honoured :-) So we set on our journey late Sunday afternoon and had some stops on the way. Deb took me to Byron Bay, first time I had been to the beach since hubbys passing so of course a lot of tears but also achieved so much, it was a very powerful part of my healing process. Giving your soul mate, love of your life permission to go to the light is a very hard thing to do and I could not have done this without the love, prays and guidance from Deb. Again a lot of tears but also lots of heart-warming hugs from Deb. Thanks Deb When Deb asked me if I wanted to go to the beach my heart said yes but my mind said no but in the end Deb and spirit made a decision and off we went. I really enjoyed the road trip; with the awesome Deb Webber About 20 hours later we arrived at Debs place where I spent time with Deb. Many tears and talks but I took with me so much love, reassurance and guidance. Even though my head was all over the place and I wasn’t myself Deb accepted me for how I was at the time and supported and guided me to where I need to be.
Nearly 15 months on and even though my heart is broken I feel I am making progress, even if it is only baby steps I am doing things I didn’t think I would ever do. My goal for this year is to not just survive each day, but to actually live it This is all with the guidance, love and support of my earth angel Deb.
I finally finished off doing hubbys clothes, which was one of the hardest parts of this journey. The emotions ran wild, from relief to guilt to betrayal back to relief. When it all got too hard to do I had the dvd of my journey with Deb that I made playing in the background. Deb did tell me if it all got to hard to think of her, and I knew she would be right behind me kicking me up the butt with love to get the job finished.
I feel honoured to call you a friend Deb who I treasure and appreciate more than words can say I have a long road ahead of me, but with your advice and making changes to find me again I know I will get there and each day that road will get shorter. I am a better person for having you in my life and words just don't describe the love and appreciation I have for you enough... I can’t put my experience with you into enough words, they just don’t explain it You are an angel that saved my life
I think it's amazing that someone, thousands of miles away can touch your heart as if they were beside you holding your hand thanks for touching my heart Deb xx
There is always a treasure around, all you need to do is to widen your eyes to recognize it, stretch your arms to accept it and open your heart to cherish it. Deb you are TREASURE and I cherish you
One of the many special things about you is the kind, loving spirit that shines from your heart. Not a day goes by that you're not blessing someone's life in some way. Today I'm wishing for all good things that should come to a beautiful person like you!
For every time you let me cry on your shoulder, for every time you listened and gave advice and comfort, for every time you sent a text message just when I needed it the most, for all the warm hugs that warmed my heart, for all the hours of talking on the phone, for every time you showed you cared and made me smile "Thank you"
During this journey in my life, when I feel so low, only Deb who is so freely giving and generous of spirit, love, hugs, advice, and an ear to listen and shoulder to lean on can lift me enough to see the sun again. I can guarantee when you are in that space, you will forever appreciate like I do the angel that Deb is and realize that a friend with a heart of gold like Deb is actually a soul mate.
When I was placed on this journey I always wondered what the term “Grieving” means as I was so numb for many months. After months of counselling I was still confused and numb until my Earth Angel Deb entered my life. I know there are stages and I know it is a process and everyone is different with their grief. However I did not know what it really means as these stages and processes keep going on, round and round in circles, there are hills to climb, rivers to swim and sometimes even skies to fly. Deb taught me the meaning and emotions of “Grieving” and how to handle them the best I can, it’s like being on a roller coaster, up, down, up, down and round and round until one day you decide to get off when the time is right and learn how to live with such a huge loss. It is about reinventing yourself and becoming better than you have ever been before and helping others to do the same. I am still trying to find me, but with time I now know that will happen. With this decision the light gets turned on again and universe will send you the Angels that walk this earth, Deb being mine from the day I met her and Angels from Heaven to guide you back to the road for which you are here for. But do not be foolish in thinking your Angels were not with you to begin with, the light being switched on just makes you aware that your angels are always there and you were never alone. There are still going to be bad days and they can hit you when you least expect it and for now apparent reason but they will become less because there is the peace of knowing you are never alone. I believe there are angels, I should know as I got to hold one in my arms and in my heart forever
In February this year Deb organised a Bali Retreat for people to go to and learn about life, themselves and so much more. I knew in my heart this would be another step forward in my journey and exactly what I needed at this stage in my life, so off I went.
Where do I start??? Went away on this amazing retreat with no expectations but in my mind knew I wanted and needed to have the time of my life, get off sleeping tablets which I’ve been on for 16 months and work towards finding ME again :-) I knew being with the awesome Deb Webber I was in the best hands, with someone who made me smile, feel loved, helped me on bad days and accepted me for how I am and someone I just treasure. So the journey began with me being the first to arrive (of course haha) and meeting up with the inspirational Deb and Tink (Wendy). These are two people who hold a very special place in my heart and give me confidence and strength I didn’t know I had. Then the rest of the awesome people arrived. It was where strangers became friends straight away and we were all in for a week of learning, fun and sharing stories and to support each other. All I can say about Bali retreat is WOW it blew my socks off that’s for sure. It was hubbys birthday while over there and although I knew it would be a hard day, with a chat with Deb in the morning and lots of hugs from my new friends the day wasn’t as hard as what I thought. Lots of tears but I managed to get on with my day and enjoy the 42km bike ride. There was many times I just needed to be in Debs presence and just sitting with her, not having to say anything helped me get through whatever was on my mind and I could feel her amazing energy and all I could do was smile. I haven’t smiled and laughed so much since hubbys passing, and the love and support I had was really appreciated. I felt like I had known these amazing new friends for a long time. The workshops were out of this world, learning so much about ME, life in general and how to handle different situations and people. Living in the NOW is so important and compliments that were given to me made me see ME in a different light. Deb is definitely one person who shares her experiences and knowledge and makes you feel like a better person. Deb is a ray of sunshine that brightens even your darkest days and adds an amazing energy to any room she is in. We also went on many amazing tours, had shopping time and down time for us. Late night swims in the pool, cocktails galore and just amazing time with all our new friends that I’m sure will keep in contact. We are all looking forward to the 12 month reunion :-) Saying goodbye to all the new friends was hard, but knowing we will all keep in touch and knowing we all learnt so much and walked away better people thanks to the lovely Deb made it that much easier. I was fortunate enough to spend an extra few days with Deb and a couple of other people where we had many laughs. Overall Bali was brilliant where lots of new memories were made with the most amazing people who we now call friends :-) So all in all yes I did have the time of my life, yes I did get off the sleeping tablets and yes I feel I am on the right road to finding ME again. Some days are harder than others but thanks to deb and all that she has taught me and the love and support she so freely gives these days are becoming less and when they hit me they don’t hit me as hard. Thanks again Deb, really hard to put into words a journey of a life time with the most inspirational person I know. Your friendship and support is so much appreciated :-) Bring on the next Bali retreat :-) xx
Deb truly is EARTHS ANGEL and to have this experience with Deb and just to have this angel in your life is a true blessing I think it is AMAZING that something so positive can happen after such a negative experience in my life.. After losing hubby I had a horrendous reading with a psychic here in Perth and it sent me off the rails even more... I was at a loss for sooo long because of my huge loss and this negative reading didn't help at all, I didn't even want to wake up...So I kept searching until I met the real deal..., someone who is so giving and loving and brings a lot of comfort and reassurance to broken hearts.. Such a positive blessing came into my life...This person is my angel Deb, who without her I have no idea where I would be.. So much positive has come to me, including making a lifelong friendship with this angel, going to Bali and meeting the most amazing people and now on the right path to finding me again :-) So in hindsight the negative reading was actually a blessing, even though I definitely didn't think it at the time as without that experience I may never have met my earth angel just yet
Thank you so much for the amazing light you shine into this world and helping me on a journey that I have been placed on when I least expected it. You are just treasure locked in my heart forever

Love you to the stars and back

Submitted by Anonymous

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